Disentangle effects from the initial stage and the evolution stage in heavy ion collisions using EPOS and PHSD

28.03.2023, 18:15
2h 15m
Stadthalle (Aschaffenburg)



Schloßpl. 1 63739 Aschaffenburg
Gremium: ET-2
Poster Early time dynamics and nuclear PDFs Poster Session


Frau Mahbobeh Jafarpour (Subatech)


Keywords : Heavy-ion Collisions, Event generator, EPOS, PHSD, EPOSi+PHSDe, Quark-Gluon

Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC provide a hot and ultra-dense form of matter composed of deconfined quarks and gluons, named QGP. Different models like EPOS and PHSD allow to study the space-time evolution of such heavy-ion collisions. Their dynamics is complicated; hence, various stages should be considered. The first is the primary scattering which defines to a large extent the matter distribution in the phase-space. The second stage concerns the evolution of the partonic system until the system is sufficiently dilute to hadronize. The EPOSi+PHSDe approach is introduced in this thesis, in which the EPOS model is used to determine the initial distribution of matter (partons/hadrons). This part is referred to as EPOSi. Then PHSD is employed to simulate the evolution of the matter in a non-equilibrium transport approach, referred to as PHSDe. The coupling of the two approaches is non-trivial and not straight-forward. Comparing the three models, EPOS, EPOSi+PHSDe, and PHSD, interesting results find concerning their respective space-time evolutions. The results demonstrate considerably different behavior in terms of radial expansion, especially asymmetric expansion, indicating that these three models will provide different results concerning key observables ( pT/mT spectra, y/ƞ distribution, v2/3/4) for Au-Au collisions at 200 GeV/A.


Subatech - Nantes University

Experiment/Theory Theory/Phenomenology


Frau Mahbobeh Jafarpour (Subatech) Prof. Klaus Werner (Subatech- Nantes University)
