On the momentum broadening of in-medium jet evolution using a light-front Hamiltonian approach

28.03.2023, 10:50
Ludwig 1b (Stadthalle)

Ludwig 1b


Talk Jets and their modification in QCD matter Parallel: Jets and their modification in QCD Matter


Meijian Li (University of Santiago de Compostela)


Following the formalism developed in our preceding works [1], a non-perturbative light-front Hamiltonian approach, we investigated the momentum broadening of a quark jet inside a SU(3) colored medium. We performed the numerical simulation of the real-time jet evolution in the Fock space of |q> + |qg>, at an extensive range of $p^+$, and various medium densities. With the obtained light-front wavefunctions of the quark jet, we extracted the jet's observables, including its transverse momentum distribution, the quenching parameter, and the gluon emission rate. We analyzed the interplay between the medium-induced gluon emission and the momentum broadening. This work provides an enhanced understanding of jet quenching from non-perturbative perspectives.

[1] M. Li, T. Lappi, and X. Zhao, ``Scattering and gluon emission in a color field: A light-front Hamiltonian approach'', Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) no.5, 056014; arXiv:2107.02225 [hep-ph].


University of Santiago de Compostela; University of Jyväskylä; Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Experiment/Theory Theory/Phenomenology


Meijian Li (University of Santiago de Compostela) Prof. Tuomas Lappi (University of Jyväskylä) Prof. Xingbo Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Prof. Carlos Salgado (IGFAE)
