First performance results from upgraded LHCb and SMOG II

28.03.2023, 18:15
2h 15m
Stadthalle (Aschaffenburg)



Schloßpl. 1 63739 Aschaffenburg
Gremium: HF-10
Poster Heavy flavor and quarkonia Poster Session


Chiara Lucarelli


The LHCb experiment has recently undergone a series of major upgrades: the entire tracking system has been replaced with higher-granularity sensors, the readout electronics have been upgraded, and all hardware triggers have been replaced with a new state-of-the-art streaming readout system. In addition, the gaseous target SMOG system has been upgraded with a dedicated storage cell to greatly increase the rate of fixed target collisions at LHCb. This talk will include the first performance results from the new LHCb tracking system, the streaming readout system, and SMOG II, with a focus on how these upgrades directly impact the LHCb heavy ion physics program. Further upgrades planned for LHC Run 4 and 5 will also be discussed.


On behalf of LHCb

Experiment/Theory LHCb

