Lieber Veranstalterin, bitte denken Sie aus Gründen des Datenschutzes daran, dass die von Ihnen für die jeweilige Veranstaltung nicht mehr benötigten Teilnehmerlisten, sonstige Dokumente etc. gelöscht werden müssen. Vielen Dank.

Submit abstract

  • Öffnungstag
  • Einreichungsdeadline

We invite scholars and practitioners teaching and researching listening comprehension to submit presentation proposals that focus on, among other aspects,
• empirical research on teaching listening comprehension in the foreign language classroom
• empirical research on assessing listening comprehension either for diagnostic purposes or in testing scenarios
• theoretical and conceptual frameworks for learning, teaching and testing listening comprehension in the foreign language classroom
• implications for curriculum design,
• insights on innovative classroom practice
As we would like to provide a special strand for young researchers, we also invite early career researchers to present their studies.

Presentations will have a duration of 20 minutes with 10 minutes discussion. We welcome abstracts of no more than 250 words specifying the title of the presentation, author(s) (name, affiliation, e-mail address), research design (research focus, research question(s), goal(s), methodology, instruments), research results (if applicable), and a list of references (the list of references does not count towards the word limit). Please also include a short bio of no more than 70 words.

Please submit your abstract by May 15th, 2023.

Der Call for Abstracts ist beendet.