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26.–28. Aug. 2022
Max-Planck-Institut Münster
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Scientific Talks

Synthetic biology is a broad scientific field! Therefore, we invited different scientists to give us insights into current SynBio studies.

Scientific Talk I: Dr. Britta Trappmann (Max-Planck-Institut Münster)

"Regulation of angiogenesis by the extracellular matrix – a biomaterials approach"

A major challenge in the field of tissue engineering is the generation of new materials that can support angiogenesis, wherein endothelial cells from existing vasculature invade the surrounding matrix to form new blood vessels. To proceed, material design criteria based on natural tissue characteristics are needed, but currently lacking because we do not know how extracellular matrix (ECM) properties affect angiogenic sprouting and ultimately, blood vessel formation. Due to the complex nature of native ECMs, it is difficult to identify the role of individual matrix properties. Here, we have developed synthetic hydrogels with independently tunable properties, which are integrated into a microfluidic platform that mimics the process of angiogenesis in vitro.
In this talk, I will present our efforts to understand how matrix stiffness, adhesiveness and degradative properties jointly regulate angiogenic sprouting, and importantly, vascular lumen formation.

Scientific Talk II: Prof. Dr. Dirk Prüfer (WWU Münster)

"Development of Russian dandelion as an alternative rubber crop"

Natural rubber is an elastic hydrocarbon polymer consisting of a large number of isoprene units. The primary source, the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis, is currently both sustainable and environmentally beneficial. However, increased worldwide demand for natural rubber means that alternative sustainable sources are urgently required. The presentation will highlight some recent findings on the development of Russian dandelion (Taraxacum koksaghyz) as an alternative crop for natural rubber, including the biosynthesis and biological function of natural rubber, as well as its use as a valuable raw material for the development of technical products.

Scientific Talk III: Dr. Mirko Himmel (University of Hamburg)

More information will follow soon!