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Responsive Water Pinning in Liquid Crystal Elastomers

04.12.2023, 18:10
TU Berlin

TU Berlin


Morgan Barnes (University of Cambridge)


Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) are an exceptional framework for highly active and functional soft matter. Briefly, LCEs couple the anisotropic LC director to a soft polymer network resulting in a zoo of phase-dependent responsive properties including reversible optical switching, mechanical stiffening, and shape-shifting in response to heat, light, or magnetic/electric fields. Here, we obtain reversible surface instabilities in LCEs with large amplitude features that are strikingly similar to that of rose petals and display temperature-responsive water pinning properties. Further, the ability to program arbitrary shape-changes, such as a smooth film that morphs into a replica of a lupin leaf, offers a route to cheaply and quickly produce functional surface roughening for wetting applications.


Morgan Barnes (University of Cambridge)


Dr. Fan Feng (University of Cambridge) Prof. John Biggins (University of Cambridge)


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