Tunable shape oscillations in adaptive droplets

07.12.2023, 11:00
TU Berlin

TU Berlin


Tim Dullweber (European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg and Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics)


Soft materials can undergo irreversible shape changes when driven out of equilibrium [1,2]. When shape changes are triggered by processes at the surface, geometry-dependent feedback can arise. Motivated by the mechanochemical feedback observed in multicellular systems [1,3-5], we study incompressible droplets that adjust their interfacial tensions in response to shape-dependent signals. We derive a minimal set of equations governing the mesoscopic droplet states controlled by just two dimensionless feedback parameters. We find that single adaptive droplets display different classes of excitability arising from a Bogdanov-Takens-Cusp bifurcation, and that interacting droplet pairs exhibit symmetry-breaking and tunable shape oscillations ranging from near-sinusoidal to relaxation-type, which stem from a saddle-node pitchfork bifurcation. Our tractable framework provides a paradigm for how soft active materials respond to shape-dependent signals, and suggests novel modes of self-organisation at the collective scale.

[1] Erzberger, et al. Nat Phys (2020)
[2] Salbreux, Jülicher Phys Rev E (2017)
[3] Dullweber, Erzberger Curr Opin Syst Biol (2023)
[4] Corson, et al. Science (2017)
[5] Khait, et al. Cell Rep (2016)


Tim Dullweber (European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg and Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics)


Herr Ergin Kohen Sagner (European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg and Heidelberg University) Herr Roman Belousov (European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg) Anna Erzberger (European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University)


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