Content, structure and application strategy: Practical preparation of a national funding application (except for doctoral scholarships)

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Christine Dominique Schmidt, Rebecca Schreiber, Claudia Ehlert

Every application for third-party funding contains recurring elements that go beyond the individual requirements of the funding agency. In this event, the parts of the application and the associated key questions will be developed and structured in order to provide you with a roadmap for as many application formats as possible. In addition, we will focus on application strategy and what is important to the reviewer.
The event will be held in English.

Target group:
The event is primarily aimed at scientists who are planning to prepare a project proposal or who have already started to do so.

Waiting List:
If you would like to attend an event, please register, even if it is shown as fully booked. You will then receive an email from us that your registration is still waiting for our manual confirmation. This corresponds to the status of a waiting list place. As soon as a place becomes available, we will confirm your registration and inform you immediately.

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