CANCELLED: MünsterXchange - Dance Workshop: Dance of Life

001 (Graduate Centre)


Graduate Centre


TARGET GROUP: MünsterXchange, doctoral candidates, postdocs
ORGANISER: WWU Graduate Centre
TRAINER: Gabriela Ernst (Biodanza)

Should you register if you notice that the number of registrations has reached or exceeded the number of available places?

If you are interested in attending the event, do please register even if the event seems to be fully booked. Your registration status will be "pending" – something similar to being placed on a waiting list. It happens that registered participants drop out and there might be a slot free for you at a later time. If a place becomes available for you, we will approve your registration and inform you immediately.

Registration starts on 26 April at 12 and ends seven days before the event. The event can only take place if there are more than 8 participants.

The dancer (Biodanza), world traveller (with a passion for the African continent) and former schoolteacher (chemistry, French, dance) Gabriela Ernst guides us pictorially and partly scientifically into the expression and improvisation dance. The dance takes place on the “stage of life”: a space for experience and experimentation, where we perceive music as the universal language, hear and feel it synesthetically, and transform it into our own movements, i.e. into our authentic expression. There is no learning of steps or choreographies!

We create and design our life dance ourselves! So we as “artists” have various possibilities – not only scientific/biological – to discover, to get to know and to show (ourselves) our body, our emotions and our personal (maybe new) potentials.

In the interaction, communication and resonance with ourselves, with the other(s) and with/in the group, we experience – partly playfully: our identity, presence, strength, openness and confidence. Our rediscovered self-confidence gives us a place in the “big whole” of our (surrounding) world. We deepen our breathing, resources, resilience, flexibility and energy – and above all enjoy the joy of every active and fast as well as quiet and slow movement.

WWU Graduate Centre
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