European Doctoral Summer School 2023




TARGET GROUP: doctoral candidates (University of Münster, University of York, Maastricht University)
ORGANISER: University of Münster, University of York, Maastricht University
AVAILABLE PLACES: 45 (15 per university)

Should you register if you notice that the number of registrations has reached or exceeded the number of available places?

If you are interested in attending the event, do please register even if the event seems to be fully booked. Your registration status will be "pending" – something similar to being placed on a waiting list. It happens that registered participants drop out and there might be a slot free for you at a later time. If a place becomes available for you, we will approve your registration and inform you about the session(s) in which you have secured your spot.

Registrations begin on 19 April at 7pm (CET) and end on 11 June at 11pm (CET).

WWU Graduate Centre
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