Registration for Pragmatic Variation across the New Englishes Workshop

ES 131 (English Department)

ES 131

English Department

Johannisstr. 12-20, 48143 Münster, Germany

TARGET GROUPS:  attendants of the PVNE workshop (Online participants do not need to register. Please send us an email so that we can share the link).

ORGANIZER: University of Münster, Chair of English Linguistics


Please register here if you are attending this workshop so that we can create a name tag for you. 

If you are interested in attending the event, do please register even if the event seems to be fully booked. Your registration status will be "pending" – something similar to being placed on a waiting list. It happens that registered participants drop out and there might be a slot free for you at a later time. If a place becomes available for you, we will approve your registration and inform you immediately.


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