International Tea Time

Meet at the WWU Graduate Centre, Schlossplatz 6, 48149 Münster

Meet at the WWU Graduate Centre, Schlossplatz 6, 48149 Münster

Schlossplatz 6, 48149 Münster

TARGET GROUP: doctoral candidates
ORGANISER: WWU Graduate Centre
TRAINERS: Diana Ziai Ahmadi/Sabine Schneider

We would like to establish a meeting for International and German PhD's to meet once a month! What do we do? FAQs, explore the city on our own terms, have discussions or talk about your thesis topics. It should be a casual get together for everyone to connect and exchange ideas. 

Where do we meet? The meeting will start at the Graduate Centre and from there we will get to a nice Café or whatever next we have planned. 

COVID 19: There are no longer any Corona restrictions. Nevertheless, we kindly ask you to do a Corona-test before attending the meeting. Thank you for your understanding! 

Should you register if you notice that the number of registrations has reached or exceeded the number of available places?

If you are interested in attending the event, do please register even if the event seems to be fully booked. Your registration status will be "pending" – something similar to being placed on a waiting list. It happens that registered participants drop out and there might be a slot free for you at a later time. If a place becomes available for you, we will approve your registration and inform you immediately.

WWU Graduate Centre
    • International Tea Time
      1. Meeting @Graduate Centre
      2. Chit chat and get to know each other
      3. official ending at 6pm, chance to continue meeting
        -> reminder PhD Representatives Assembly
    • 1
      Schedule Int. Tea Time
      1. Meeting @Graduate Centre
      2. Chit chat and get to know each other
      3. official ending at 6pm, chance to continue meeting
        -> reminder PhD Representatives Assembly
      Sprecher: Diana Ziai Ahmadi (Graduate Centre)