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26.–28. Okt. 2022
Münster Mathematics Conference Centre
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Challenges and tools for FAIR data in the heterogeneous CRC 1456 "Mathematics of Experiment"

26.10.2022, 09:45
Münster Mathematics Conference Centre

Münster Mathematics Conference Centre

Orleans-Ring 12 48149 Münster


Christoph Lehrenfeld (University of Göttingen)


Within the collaborative research center "CRC 1456 - Mathematics of Experiment" of the German Research Foundation (DFG) several research groups from the natural sciences and mathematics jointly work on measurement and extracting the most information from them. These measurement data come from different types of measurements ranging from nanoscale imaging to observations of the Sun. As the different type of data sets, the involved methods and algorithms to retrieve information from the corresponding measurement data is diverse. Nevertheless, the CRC is committed to meet the highest standards in reproducibility and accessibility. To this end we apply and develop solutions that work for the whole CRC and identify subgroups with similarities in data types or algorithms.
In this talk we present the challenges that come with the involvement of many different scientific communities and diverse data types and software and discuss different measures that are undertaken within the CRC
- to ensure FAIR research data handling and
- to increase accessibility of research methods and results.


Christoph Lehrenfeld (University of Göttingen)


Herr Pedro Klein (University of Göttingen) Dr. Markus Osterhoff (University of Göttingen)


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